Spring Security: Data Access Authorization with ACL

In previous posts, we discussed how to use Spring Security to authenticate user and authorizate user’s requests. But all of those only can manage the permissions on API level. In many scenarios, we also need make sure user only can access the data which they owned or permitted. In this post, I will show how to use Spring Security ACL to make it.

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Spring Security: Authentication and Authoriztion with OAuth2

This post, I will show you how to use OAuth 2 with Spring Security. There are only few changes between JWT token or not, so, I show them together.

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Spring Security: Authentication and Authorization with JWT for separated backend

In post of Spring Security: Authentication and authorization for separated backend, I have show you how to use Spring Security to authenticate and authorize for separated backend of web application. With that way, the server side will store sessions for users, and send cookie to front-end. It means the server side saved the state of user.

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Spring Security: How Filter Chain works

Previous post I have showed how to use Spring Security to implement authentication and authorization, and how to customize it. But there is a question, authentication and authorization are implemented by Security Filters, there are multiple Filters in SecurityFilterChain, each chain can have differect numbers of filters, then how Spring Security manage them? OK, this post we will discuss this problem.

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Spring Security: Authentication and authorization for separated backend

Spring Boot is a popular framework to create web application. With it, we can easy to create stand-alone and production-ready web applications. And there is Spring Initializr tool can help us to create base project which only need choose the libraries which we need.

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Hexo: Create Blog on Github

We are living in the age of the internet, some of us want to have a blog to record and show our thoughts. Usually, the easist way is regist an account on web site which provides the blog functions. And also, some of us want to have our own blog web site. The regular way is buy your own domian name, server and install blog system. But it has cost, not all people want it.
In this post, I will show you a simple and free way to create blog site for your own with Github and Hexo.

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NVM: Manage Multiple Node.js Versions

For now, more and more tools are depended on Node.js. Such as apps which based on Electron, some scaffold of frameworks or languages, and so on. So, there are too much reasons to ask us to install Node.js.
To install it, there are many ways. Such as downloading installer from official site, use package manager, thirdparty tools like HomeBrew, and so on.
I recommend using NVM to install and manage the Node.js. With NVM, you can install multiple versions of Node.js at same time on your machine, and switch or remove them at anytime.
This post will tell you how to do it.

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